About - Rep GA Action Network

Ideas and purpose are an essential
part of change, and from them we must
inspire engagement and action.

Represent GA Action Network, Inc. is a 501c4 formulated to support the state’s progressive civic engagement agenda. We train, coach, and provide technical assistance for integrated civic engagement initiatives to create a Georgia that serves all of its citizens equally.

We convene informational gatherings for progressive candidates, groups, and elected officials, conduct partisan coalition building in the effort to scout and recruit viable progressive candidates, and track candidates to project and to build the pipeline. We design innovative solutions to funding first-time and marginalized candidates.

Georgia Equal Rights Highlights

White Primary Abolished

Georgia white primary was ended by a federal court ruling. This ensured that AA's had a real voice in the state's voting process.

Brown V. Board of Education

The Supreme Court in Brown V. Board of Education that separate was not equal, and that segregation in education was unconstitutional.

Georgia Flag Changed

After the Brown v. Board ruling, Georgia legislators showed their feelings about school integration by modifying the state flag in 1956 to include the Confederate battle flag.

Georgia-Based Organizations

Political activism gains a significant amount of strength with the formation of organizations such as John Sibley's Sibley Commission and the Student Non-Violent Coordinating Committee (SNCC).

March On Washington

In one of the largest civil rights gatherings in American history, the March on Washington shows the power of demonstration and proves crucial to civil rights legislation.

The Civil Rights Act

The Civil Rights Act of 1964 declared that all humans were equal no matter their race,color, religion or gender.

The Voting Rights Act

The Voting Rights Act of 1965 outlaws voter discrimination. The act is considered a landmark achievement for congress. The act was signed by president Lyndon B. Johnson.

The 19th Amendment

Though passed into federal law in 1920, Georgia officially ratifies the 19th Amendment, protecting womens' voting rights at the state level.

Andrew Young Elected

Andrew Young, an early civil rights leader, is elected as mayor of Atlanta with the help of a grassroots mayoral campaign. He would continue the efforts of his predecessor Maynard Jackson to benefit minority and female-led businesses.

Atlanta Black Pride

A gathering of Black LGBTQ friends in Piedmont Park sparks what eventually becomes Atlanta Black Pride, an annual Labor Day weekend festival that now draws upwards of 10,000 people to the city for arts, cultural and educational events.

Equal Rights for Businesses

Atlanta becomes the first city in Georgia to adopt an ordinance barring business owners from discriminating on the basis of sexual orientation, gender identity and other factors. Nearly two decades later, other metro Atlanta municipalities — including Doraville, Chamblee and Clarkston — begin following suit.

Gay Marriage Legalized

Gay marriage is legalized for the first time in Georgia after the Supreme Court rules that the Constitution’s equal protection and due process clauses protect same-sex couples.

Early Voting Record

Georgia breaks its record for early voter turnout, previously held by day six of Early Voting in the 2020 Presidential election.


The diversity of our values fuels
the strength of our movement.

potential into

More than anything else, we recognize that consistent involvement is the main factor that drives forces of change. For most of our history, it is this principle that has served as the strongest obstacle for progression. In pursuit of justice for all, we must be vigilant and organized.

Our Values

We rely on
as much as hope.

To keep hope alive, we must continuously strive to move the needle. Inspiring political leaders is important, but we take the extra step in teaching a new generation of leaders how to assume command of their goals and lead supporters into the future.

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